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School history

The school was founded after the company called NZPS "Podhale" had been established in Nowy Targ. Suddenly the market demanded highly qualified staff.

In the school year 1960/61 the authorities open Technikum Przemyslu Skorzanego CZSP (technical secondary school) together with just one class of vocational school.

The school develops further in 1960s when it gets a new building at 32 Ludzmierska Street and opens a new class - a technical secondary school for the working.

The school was very popular among primary school graduates as it was the only school in the area that was so closely linked with an industrial company. Students came to study here not only from the adjacent towns and villages but from remote districts as well. NZPS "Podhale" and the school had a great influence on the society in Podhale region. The company helped many people to get well-off while the school provided them with good education. The school played an important role not only for the company but also for the area by educating many technicians and workers. The students have always been interested in arts and tried hard to improve their skills. There was the puppet theatre "Bacowka" and the school choir "Bonzai" among others. The school also took part in different contests both artistic and sports ones and had some successes like: the 1st place in the Amateur Puppet Theatre World Contest in Chrudi in former Czechoslovakia which was organised by UNESCO; winning the XIIth Youth Hockey Polish Championship; a prize at IXth Polish School Choir Contest a'Capella.

In 1990 the school began a new chapter in its history. The authorities accepted the project of opening Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace (a secondary school). The new school started on 1 September 1991 and received the name: IInd Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace in Nowy Targ. The name of the whole school changed into Zespol Szkol Nr 3. Due to the economic changes in our country the school stopped being linked with the company and is now run by the local authorities.

In 2013 the local authorities decided to change the name of our school again so now it is called Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 2 and consists of two schools:

  • IInd Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace
  • Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace dla Doroslych (secondary school for adults)

We teach three foreign languages: English, French and German. For several years the school cooperated with American Peace Corps. The school has some agreements with Universities from Cracow and therefore our students can take final exams combined with the entrance exams to these Universities. This way of getting to university is quite popular among our students.