Aktualności | Galeria zdjęć | Plan lekcji | Podręczniki 2024/25 | Rekrutacja 2025/26 | Chmura | ART|TЯA
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School now

Our school is a public secondary school which prepares students for university or college. II Liceum was established in 1991 and we have already managed to gain a good opinion in the local community. We are the most popular school in our region. The students achieve successes in many competitions as well as final exams called Maturity Exams. Education in our school lasts for three years.

There are about 700 students, aged 16-19, who attend compulsory subjects such as Polish, English, German or French, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Religious Education, Maths, Computing and Physical Education. Students can also take part in many optional subjects such as Journalism or Drama.

A crucial point at our school is the international exchange. Since 2004 we have organised exchanges with schools from Romania, Hungary, Sweden and Holland. It has been proved that students benefit a lot from such projects. They learn and use foreign languages, get to know history and culture of other countries, they also learn how to be tolerant and cooperative.